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Rewards program

Become a member of our loyalty program and gain access to exclusive member benefits every time you shop. Many attractive rewards are waiting for you!

How it works


Create an account

Become a member to receive rewards


Earn points

Complete these activities to collect points


Redeem points

Exchange points for exciting discounts

Ways to earn points

Create an account

200 Moringa Leaves

Complete an order

Earn 1 leaves for every $1.00

Subscribe to newsletter

100 Moringa Leaves

Happy birthday

100 Moringa Leaves

Leave a review
You’ll get Moringa Leaves when your review is published

200 Moringa Leaves

Follow on Instagram

50 Moringa Leaves

Follow on X

50 Moringa Leaves

Like on Facebook

50 Moringa Leaves

Share on Facebook

10 Moringa Leaves

Complete profile
This can only be done once.

200 Moringa Leaves

Follow on TikTok

50 Moringa Leaves

Share on LinkedIn

20 Moringa Leaves

Subscribe on Youtube

50 Moringa Leaves

Follow on Pinterest

50 Moringa Leaves

Ways to redeem points

$5 off discount
  • Discount value: $5.00

500 Moringa Leaves

$10 off discount
  • Discount value: $10.00

1,500 Moringa Leaves

$30 off discount
  • Discount value: $30.00

3,000 Moringa Leaves

$75 off discount
  • Discount value: $75.00

7,500 Moringa Leaves

$100 off discount
  • Discount value: $100.00

10,000 Moringa Leaves